Much like the wearer, every garment has individual needs and drserves the utmost care and respect.
We closely examine each garment to determine the most effective cleaning technique, Stains,embroidery, embellishents and discolorations are taken into account when designing treatment methods. Your garment's care is custom-fashioned to guarantee optimum results.
Once you garment has been put through rigorous inspection, it is carefully finished and packaged.
We also take pride in producing the highest quality Dry Cleaning while protection the environment. Our commitment to the environment is esential to the future of our business, therefore we make it one of our highest priorities. We use the latest technological Dry Cleaning equipment avaliable to the industry to ensure the protection of our Eco-system, our clients, our neighbors, and our staff
Cleaned, pressed and ready to wear . .
Hangers Garment care takes laundering to another level with care, precision and meticulous attention. We closely inspect each garment prior to cleaning to ensure that your shirt is crisp, clean and stain-free.
Stains are pre-treated with a powerful yet non-abrasive solution. Once all stains and discolorations have been addressed, your shirt is gently cleaned. For the final touches, your shirt is inspected, pressed and missing buttons are replaced. The finished product is a garment that looks as sharp as the day you bought it.
After your garment has been cleaned and pressed, you may elect to have it neatly folded and boxed, or received on a hanger.
Having your shirts professionally laundered with Hangers is a great way to keep them in optimal condition for years to come.
Whatever your garments need as a part of alteration from the minor
repair to a major adjustment - we make it right for you every time.
We provide :
• Hemming of dresses, skirts and pants
• Replacing and reinforcing button
. Zipper Replacement, Fasteners
• Letting out and taking in of dresses, skirts, and pants
• Patching jacket and pants
- Sleeves Shortening and Reweaving
*Resizing coatsuit for both men and women, and much more.
Our professional alteration services personnel will alter your garments to your perfection. Our trained pickup crew will measure your garments for alterations, or you may markup yourself to suit your needed alterations.
For help with any alteration or repair, simply bring the garment at our
locations. We'll be happy to assist you. We makes the adjustments and makes it fit neatly.